High Flyers WI

We would be delighted to welcome you to our next meeting, feel free to come to any meeting as an occasional visitor and try before you think about becoming a member. You can come to every meting as a visitor if you prefer and dont actually want to become a member.
Meetings are generally on the 4th Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in Church Fenton Village Hall, occasionally the date or venue is changed due to our varied programme, however, these are highlighted on our programme. Please see our calendar of events below.
This is a great way to meet new people in the village and take part in activities you would perhaps not have done on your own. We are delighted to raise funds via our annual Produce and Craft show and for local village projects as well as supporting less advantaged women and girls, via the 'Smalls for All' campaign.
For those who don't like walking into somewhere on their own, we can arrange for you to meet one of our group beforehand, you will be given a very warm welcome.
For further information contact the Secretary.
Calendar of Events 2020
Please note, some or all of these events may have been cancelled due to the on-going Covid-19 restrictions. Please contact the Secretary to get the latest information on these events.

23 January 2020
Internet Security - Sarah Chester
We are in a digital world with emails, social media, internet banking, e-bay selling and online shopping. We are delighted to have a talk on the "Rise of Cyber crime" with a practical "hacking" exercise to demonstrate how quick and easy it is for hackers to get our passwords. Something that could help us all.

27th February 2020
Darts Night at the Fenton Flyer
Can't play darts? neither can most of us, which is why this evening is such an enjoyable event. Our annual darts night is held at the Fenton Flyer and open to visitors, we have a supper and an opportunity to laugh have a chat and aim for the Bull.

26th March 2020
Forensic Fire Investigation - Chris Clarke MSc Eng Tech GIFireE MCSFS IAAI-CFI IAAI-ECT
A forensic look at fires in the home. The presentation will take a forensic look at the causes of fires in the home and how they are investigated. A "Silent Witness" approach to the science of fire from fault, to ignition and product recovery.

29th March 2020
Spring Fayre
We invite stall holders from the surrounding area, with a mix of goods from cards, gifts, jewellery, cushions, crafts and sometimes baked products. The WI have a stall of their own and this year we plan to do a home baking stall, as well as doing the refreshments.

29th March 2020
Rock and a Hard Place - A Play
In a change to our normal meeting we are delighted to invite a Theatre Company to put on a play about Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control. Held on Friday 1st May 2020, this evening will be open to visitors over the age of 17 years. Wine and refreshments will be served and a small entrance fee £5 will be donated to a local Women's Refuge.

28th May 2020
Painting Class - Monet Magic
Fancy your hand at painting? Was the last time you did a painting when you were at school or helping your children? Most of us don't have such skills so our Monet Magic evening is about recreating our own Monet landscape, and all materials are provided. The session is run by Philip Potter - he is on Facebook and Twitter. This will be a fun evening.

25th June 2020
Micro Brewing
Did you know we have a micro brewery in our village? based at Leeds East Airport, Crooked Brewing has been established since 2016 and some of you may have even tasted their products as it is served in the White Horse and in the summer at Fenton Fest. We are delighted to have a visit to the micro brewery to see how they produce beers. Crooked Brewing Ltd are on Facebook and Twitter.

23rd July 2020
Summer Social - Faith Supper
With holidays upon us, there is no speaker or activity, just an opportunity to have a social evening with friends, chat, over wine and everyone brings a plate of food for refreshments. Time to talk and the evening enables time for that.

22nd August 2020
Garden Talk from National Open Garden Scheme
We may not all have green fingers or a large garden, however, most of us appreciate a lovely garden especially when someone else has done all the hard work. One reason the National Garden Scheme is so popular and enthusiasts all over the country visit the gardens through the National Open Garden Scheme.

6th September 2020
Annual Produce Show
Can you grow a big pumpkin, bake a lovely chocolate cake, take a photo or display a couple of flowers from your garden, do something crafty? Look out for our schedules in the Shop, pubs and Restaurant entries taken from all levels, all ages, something for everyone. Proceeds from our Craft and Produce show are donated to groups within the village.

24th September 2020
Yorkshire Air Ambulance
We are delighted to welcome a member of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance to come and talk about their work. We have all seen the distinguished yellow Helicopters flying around and the film company are based at Leeds East Airport. The meeting is open to visitors including men and we will be making a donation to YAA, you never know when you might need them.

22nd October 2020
Time to reflect on what we have achieved over the year from activities to funding local community causes and national campaigns. It's a very social meeting with lovely refreshments and time to chat.

19th November 2020
Gin Tasting
Join us for a Gin Tasting at Fields Garden Centre. Haworth Gins are a Yorkshire based Gin Distillery based in Haworth and sold at Fields Garden Centre (Sherburn in Elmet). It's sure to be a good evening and an opportunity to buy presents for Christmas.

December 2020 TBC
Christmas Meal
Time to celebrate, get together and support a local hostelry. Members only on this occasion.
Meet some of our Members

Liz Smith - President
About Liz: I am a retired pharmacist who had my own business in Glasgow. I have known the village since the mid 1980's but only moved here full time in 2008. Now I enjoy gardening and cooking, I do yoga, swim and go birdwatching.
Why I joined the WI: To meet more people and be more involved in the life of Church Fenton.
My two favourite meetings: The Mosaic workshop and the Round dance evening.
Contact details:
email: liz@dunross.demon.co.uk
telephone: 01937 557038

Samantha (Sam) Charlston - Secretary
About Sam: I have lived in the village 20 years and only managed to make time for myself once my girls got independent. I try to be part of the community and get involved in activities and events. I still work full-time so the social aspect of the WI is important to me and I have made many friends there.
Why I joined the WI: To meet people, have some fun and enjoy being part of a community.
My two favourite meetings: Doing Tai Chi and then my daughter coming and speaking to us about her hobby of falconry and bringing along her Owl.
Contact details:
email: samanthajkcharlston@gmail.com
telephone: 01937 557525 or 07801 965268

Lesley Wright - Treasurer
About Lesley: I have lived in the village since 2003 and met a huge number of people through WI. I am a founder member Church Fenton Community Hub who have helped to purchase the White Horse Pub and I volunteer at the Community cafe once a month as I love to bake.
Why I joined the WI: Working full time in the NHS and travelling the country with my job, I never seem to have the time, however, I realised you need to make time for yourself.
My two favourite meetings: A visit to the Set of Victoria, Mosaic making.
Contact details:
email: lesley@lesleywrightimprovement.co.uk
telephone: 07887 553024

Judith Mawson - Committee Member
About Judith: I have lived in the area for nearly 20 years and work locally. I enjoy reading, baking, sewing and yoga and love spending time with family and friends.
Why I joined the WI: I have been a member of our WI since it was re-started about ten years ago and joined because I wanted to meet new people and become involved in making a difference in the local community.
My two favourite meetings: National Trust talks(leading to two visits), line dancing!
Some of our Favourite Moments
Below are photos of some of our favourite moments.

Mosaic Evening - All our own work
We were delighted to welcome Jenny Watson who facilitated a Mosaic evening. This was a practical workshop and we all got stuck in to making our own small heart shaped bowls.
A practical evening, which was great fun and very creative, even for those who are not arty.

Trip round the set of Victoria - Buckingham Palace in Hangar 1
We were highly honoured to be allowed a trip around Mamoth Studios at Leeds East Airport, formerly RAF Church Fenton. Viewing is normally not permitted during filming due to confidentiality issues. As we agreed not to take internal photos we had an amazing tour of the set of Buckingham Palace.
It was breathtaking, looking at all the sets, Victoria's bedroom, throne room, ballroom and the downstairs servants quarters.
Thanks must go to Sally Joynson from Screen Yorkshire who facilitated the visit, when something like this is on our doorstep, we really appreciated the chance to access this.

All About Alpacas
One of our speakers was from Sherburn In Elmet, couldn't get more local. Sam Harrison gave a fascinating insight into how she became involved in raising Alpacas.
This has lead to an amazing learning opportunity for local children to visit and some beautiful art and craft items made from Alpaca wool.